Tuesday, December 04, 2018

The story of the Commodore Amiga (updated: now through part 12, the final installment)

Ars Technica has been writing a series of articles about the history of the Commodore Amiga. For those interested in computer history, this is a fascinating story. More interesting, in many respects, than the stories of Microsoft and Apple.

Here are links to what's been written so far:

I believe this is the complete set of articles - 12 parts plus two sidebar articles. If more are written in the future, I will update this article when I learn about them.

WTF, Walmart. Get your holiday's straight

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I recognize the fact that Walmart is not a Jewish corporation. Nevertheless, it would seem to me that they could at least take a quick look at Wikipedia to see what kinds of things Jews are likely to buy for Chanukah.

Instead, I see this display:

Look closely and tell me what doesn't belong here. Like, perhaps, most of the display.

On this display, only the olive oil and potato pancake mix are relevant to Chanukah. Most of the rest of the items (matzoh, macaroons and grape juice) are are traditional foods for Pesach which will be in April. And the package of kosher noodle soup, while nice to have, isn't relevant to any Jewish holiday at all.