Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The best Disney parade ever

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Back in 2000, Disney had their Millennium Celebration. Among many incredible attractions was the Tapestry Of Nations parade at Epcot, which many people (myself included) consider the best parade Disney ever produced.

I had the privilege of seeing this parade live in December 2000. It remains a wonderful memory. So I was thrilled when this past week I decided to check to see if anybody had uploaded video of it to YouTube and I was successful, finding a recording of the complete performance from September 2000, only a few months before I saw it.

Great thanks to Jeremy Trist for sharing this video with us.

So, without any further ado, here is the performance. Enjoy.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

More Dell sleazy behavior

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As you may already be aware, Dell is a company I never want to do business with, thanks to very sleazy and capricious behavior.

Well, it appears that I'm not the only one who feels this way. This past December (yes, six months ago - sorry for the delay), Linus Tech Tips reported even worse behavior.

As a part of their Gaming PC Secret Shopper 2 series, the found that the Dell phone sales person was heavily pushing them to buy unwanted antivirus software and extended warranties. And even though they refused these items at every step, Dell included them in the order and billed them for it.

If you thought my rant was just one person with a bad experience, you may want to think again. Watch the video for Linus's rant, which is even cooler than mine:

And this wasn't the first time Dell tried to scam the LTT secret shopper. In October, 2019, their first secret shopper also showed Dell to be pretty bad.

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Just The News: Drunk 19-year-old breaks into Airbnb that was 'loaded with cops'

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Drunk 19-year-old breaks into Airbnb that was 'loaded with cops'
By Nicholas Sherman, Updated: June 1, 2021 - 3:50pm

A drunken 19-year-old accidentally broke into an Airbnb in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, only to find the house filled with police officers.
The officers heard noises during the night, assuming it was each other. In the morning, they found the person asleep in one of their beds after noticing one of the doors to the house was open.

"He woke up in handcuffs," Pesola said on the video, which went viral over the weekend.

The intruder was taken into custody by the Milwaukee police but wasn't cited or charged, with officers saying he drunkenly stumbled into the wrong house by accident, according to KMOV4.

All I can say is "d'Oh!".

Speaking of old IBM keyboards

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May 31, 2021, Michal Necasek

About twenty years ago, I bought a used IBM Model M keyboard with a PS/2 connector. I believe it cost me around $5-$10 plus shipping at the time. A good investment, given that this sort of keyboard is probably worth $100 or more these days.
Given this keyboard’s track record, I would guess that in another 30 years, it will still be working fine, while most keyboards made today will have disintegrated into a pile of plastic dust.

I couldn't agree more. I have two, which I picked up at a flea market many years ago. One with a PS2 cable and one with an older "AT" keyboard cable. I don't use them that often because they don't have USB interfaces and don't have the "windows" key that modern operating systems really require, but they work great and will probably outlast every other piece of electronics in my office.