by Joe Hoft. March 17, 2020
The Director General of the WHO spoke on March 3, 2020 and shared this related to the coronavirus:
While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity. That means more people are susceptible to infection, and some will suffer severe disease.Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.
This statement led to the greatest panic in world history as the media all over the world shared and repeated that the coronavirus was many, many times more deadly than the common flu.
The problem is his statement is false. It was not accurate!
The Gateway Pundit reported yesterday, that the coronavirus fatality rate reported by the media was completely inaccurate and the actual rate is less than the current seasonal flu – the media was lying again. The false reporting of the coronavirus fatality rate of 3.4% in the media started with the statements made by the WHO in early March.
Here’s a summary of the analysis from yesterday proving the Director General’s statement was very misleading and materially false:
N/A – not available
h/t Pamela Geller
Read the original article for a point-by-point detailed explanation of the headline's point.
Of course, we know that this virus outbreak is serious, but the WHO and the press are exaggerating the facts, resulting in a world-wide panic. I don't want to start a discussion about why they are doing this, but it is wrong and needs to stop.
COVID-19 is not 34x as deadly as this year's flu, but is in fact 1/3 as deadly. Because people are acting as if it is 100x more deadly than reality, we are deliberately shutting down the global economy when it is not necessary. Our panicked reaction is going to cause far far more damage than the virus itself.
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